Thursday, September 26, 2013

Where and how to market for successful business

What is biggest successful business marketing pitfall and it is foundation mistake of marketing amateurs … It happened that I stumbled like elephant into it so read on if you also don’t want to waste your hundred of hours and waste big amount of money … You don’t earn money in you business if you: 1. work very hard 2. have pretty blog 3. have 1000 blog posts on it 4. is your mentor president of USA 5. you are all-in 6. zillion other reasons … You earn money, when .....

Monday, September 23, 2013

Santorini sunset on most romantic Greek island

I got a hint for you listen carefully you should take her to Santorini …. But I should warn you about something :) Greek island of Santorini is very know and popular place for weddings. Of course we all know that you gonna marry her one day and when you say to her that you are taking her to Santorini then my friend expectations gonna be very high .... There is also a mystery around greek island of Santorini There is something fascinating in shape of greek island Santorini, if you look at him from above it looks like that half of Island is missing. What happened and shaped so strange geography of island? Was this location of Atlantis? Matjaz Primec

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Help to researc mystery beneath - Baltic sea UFO

For those who can afford it, there will be possiblity to join X team to research Baltic sea UFO. This could bring us to that what I belive is one of the most important discoveries in history of man kind. Evidence that we are not alone in Universe. The “Dive for Truth” campaign has been created to raise funds for the rental of necessary equipment and costs of scientific testing to complete the exploration of anomalous object mystery located at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Baltic sea UFO - the mystery beneath

Astonishing fact is sonar showing object hit the sea floor and continued to move after impact for 4.000 feet or 1.219 meters what created a track with sand bars in sea floor before it came to hold. Baltic sea is dead, it has no underwater currents which could create sand bars. Amazing object which lies on Baltic sea floor became known very fast all over the world as Baltic sea UFO and there are many evidences, that this is real ufo alien ship. The “Dive for Truth” campaign has been created to raise funds for the rental of necessary equipment and costs of scientific testing to complete the exploration of anomalous object mystery located at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Most people think that Easter Island heads are only just heads

What makes Easter island even more special is extraordinary archeological collection of cca 1.000 giant stone monoliths. They are known as Moai and placed on the ground all over island. Fact is that Easter Island, one of French Polynesia islands hold much bigger secret …. Every of heads has a body even though some of them are not finished. Some of them are high more than 30 feet, from base to top, and weigh more than 80 tons. What was the reason for creating so fascinating monuments?

Be in right place and right time to make money blogging

Gold mine opportunity for you ..... prelaunch of ENV2 system ENV2 system will make possible to take an iPhone or Android out of the pocket, create an audio or video message, click submit and this content will be posted right on Internet ... without even logging to computer !!!! Every company, every entrepreneur, every businessman, every person who will want to have something on Internet ... Will want something this good and simple ... Do you want to capitalize in this once in a life time opportunity?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Platform which will make money blogging easy like cake

Has anybody ever said to you: I wish I was in the right place in right time …. There was a special time to invest in Microsoft or Apple There was a special time to go with a Google or Facebook … This could be your right place in right time with prelaunch of ENV2 system ... ... ENV2 is going to change the way of interaction on Internet dominate the infrastructure of Internet and principles of how to make money blogging ... Here are some more properties of ENV2 system, which is gonna make “How to make money blogging” simple like cake: - fully customizable blogs (yeas, you can have more blogs) - hosting for all of those blogs on different domains - simple 2 click technology - mobile audio/video broadcasting from mobile device - sales conversion engine Find out how to capitalize this opportunity in complete note in the link ...

Friday, September 13, 2013

How to make money blogging "beast mode" on

There was a special time to go with a Google or Facebook … There was a special time to invest in Microsoft or Apple ... Definition of how to make money blogging is about to change and if there was anybody ever said to you: I wish I was in the right place in right time …. This could be your right place in right time with prelaunch of ENV2 system …. "the beast" .... …. ENV2 is going to change the way of interaction on Internet dominate the infrastructure of Internet and principles of how to make money blogging …. Sucess to all Matjaz Primec

Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to make money blogging (fast and easy)

Has anybody ever said to you: I wish I was in the right place in right time …. There was a special time to invest in Microsoft or Apple There was a special time to go with a Google or Facebook Definition of how to make money blogging is about to change … System ENV2 has better functions than anything else comparable on the Internet is also bearing gold mine opportunity for you. …. ENV2 is going to change the way of interaction on Internet and principles of how to make money blogging …. Every company, every entrepreneur, every businessman who will want to have something on Internet …. Will want something this good and simple …. Go check out how you can capitalize on maybe on one of biggest opportunities in our lives ... Sucess to all, Matjaz Primec

Sunday, September 1, 2013

MILITARY INVOLVED into Baltic sea UFO disclosure

Baltic sea UFO comes back to media with a stunning online session from last week. “YES the military is very interested into our project” said Dennis in his interview on August 25 2013. Watch the video on YouTube..... Ocean X is going again to the sea now in September to take new pictures of Baltic anomally UFO disclosure. They have in their group now the people who are scientist and knowledge on this subjects to help them with UFO disclosure. In interview video there can be seen pictures of Ocean X team members shaking hands with high ranking officiers and seeting together at meeting. Do you think that Baltic sea UFO is real? If you ask me, this is my dream come true to be part of an expedition which is investigating possible UFO disclosure. Even if they are only rocks on the floor of Baltic sea…. What do you feel about this? Matjaz Primec